+ info
La Damnation de Faust

Openning: 19/08/1999
Salzburg Festival, Salzburg

Compositor: Hector Berlioz (1803-1869)
Libretto: Hector Berlioz, Almire Gandonnière and Gérard de Nerval, based on Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Stage Version: La Fura dels Baus, Jaume Plensa
Stage Directors: Àlex Ollé, Carlus Padrissa (La Fura dels Baus)
Set and Costume Designer: Jaume Plensa
Musical Director: Sylvain Cambreling
Video: Franc Aleu
Set collaborator and technical Director: Roland Olbeter


Debussy composed this unique opera for a libretto by D’Annunzio that tells the story of St. Sebastian’s unique journey to martyrdom. La Fura staged this “symbolic musical mystery”, re-elaborating, also symbolically, the images originally suggested by the text.