Openning: 21/06/2012
Haliç Camialtı Tersaneleri, Istanbul, Turkey
Conception and direction: Àlex Ollé and Carlus Padrissa (La Fura dels Baus)
Direction Assistants:
Valentina Carrasco
Mireia Romero
Technical Direction:
Jaume Grau
Nacha Delpiano
Choreography: Ayrin Ersöz
Songs: Sumru Ağıryürüyen
Poems: Orhal Veli and Nazim Hikmet
Video and Photography: Selçuk Metin and Erman Pehlivan
La Fura dels Baus tells the 40-year adventure of The Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV) with the wonders of Istanbul. The company use for the first time in a project the IKSV symbol, which is a motif of four tulips. In this special performance dancers will perform in the sky inside a giant ball along with a magical flying horse overlooking the Golden Horn. Istanbul, Istanbul has come to life with the help of 80 volunteer dancers chosen from 250 applicants in Istanbul. The show there will be three 10-meter stages and two cranes erected in the area.